I check Apple’s website every so often because I’ve grown to like not having to worry about viruses and spyware on my iBook – that and I really enjoy the iLife suite. I checked Apple’s site yesterday and got excited about the new Mighty Mouse. I got over that pretty quickly as I realized Apple is years behind in mouse development.
So after ten months I decided to hook my iBook up as a desktop. I connected my monitor and mouse and soon realized that switching to a Mac would be so much easier if done in the desktop environment. I walked into the kitchen and told Elise about my new dekstop experience with the iBook. I Googled Bluetooth mice and keyboards and found myself on Apple’s website again. I decided against Bluetooth peripherals and checked out new iBooks.
“DAMN. Elise.”
“What?” She proclaimed, thinking that I was really upset about somthing.
I read off the specs for the current iBook.
Elise said, “See, I told you. I knew I should have waited to buy you the iBook because one day they’d have the G5 thing with a 66-inch monitor, built in toilet and a thing that changes your oil.”
I’m still laughing…
The part of the conversation Josh left out was why I made the ridiculous statement I did. You see for over a year I had to listen to him tell me everyday why he should have an iBook. All while following me around the house like a little child. It got to the point where I wanted to commit myself so I decided to do a nice thing and buy one for Josh for our anniversary. When he mentioned last night that the price of his iBook has gone down I believe the statement was pre-empted with, “See…if we had waited we could have gotten one for $1300 instead of $1500.” That is why I made the statement I did because I told him, “Yeah…if I hadn’t gotten you one when I did you’d still be following me around telling me everyday, and another reason I want a G5 is because it comes with a 66″ monitor and it also has a thing that will check my oil. You do want me to be safe don’t you?” In case anyone didn’t get it I was exaggerating.
An all to familiar story – it made me laugh :) I think most women seem to share the same priorities. Unfortunately, computers always seem to wind up at the bottom of the list.
lol… too funny.