Second inteview with Scott & White, Valentine’s Day, Pharyngitis

I had my second interview with Scott & White on Tuesday. I think it went quite well. We won’t know anything until early this week. I’ll keep you all posted as I receive news.

I’m finally getting over my Pharyngitis. For those of you who didn’t know – I was running a 103 degree fever for 4 days and feeling really crappy. El finally dragged me to the doctor last Friday. I got a script for some antibiotics – feeling much better now. There seems to be a strain going around Central Texas that is affecting men. El’s boss was sick for over a week, some of El’s regular golf customers had been sick, our friend Victor was recently very ill had to be rushed to the emergency room, my friend Reid has been running a fever. Hmmmm…

Valentine’s Day: El and I were given free sneak preview movie tickets to see ‘We Were Soldiers’. The short of it: very sad Vietnam movie starring Mel Gibson. Prior to that, I made dinner for the both of us – 8 oz. Filet Mignon with a mushroom and red wine sauce, baby potatoes and asparagus with Hollandaise sauce. It was a pricey meal – but it was Valentine’s day and we would have spent more going out to dinner.

Scott & White?

I’ve heard back from Scott & White!!!  I interviewed with them back in early January for a Communications Coordinator position.  I have a second interview on Tuesday.

Scott & White is located just inside Temple, TX.  I’m really hoping I get this job.  I hate to admit, but we’ve been kind of counting our chickens before the hatch.  I’ve lost sleep thinking about getting this job, doing really well,  moving out there, saving money on the cost of living, settling down, starting a family… cross you fingers for me!!!

El and I have been kicking around the idea of moving out of Austin for some time now.  Austin is great if you have the time and money to take advantage of all of its resources.  I think we’ve come to the conclusion that, while Austin is great, we’re ready to move on.  We have some serious financial goals that we’d like to meet (buying a house, getting El a car), and moving outside of Austin would definitely allow us to save some money.