Twenty two years ago today I started a job at Wellness Works. After being there for a couple years, my boss promoted me, handed me the keys, and taught me how to run the business.
This Friday will mark the 1-year anniversary that I was wrongfully fired from my job at a run club, denied unemployment compensation because my then-boss lied to the Texas Workforce Commission, and made for a really stressful and frustrating 2024.
This Friday will also be my last day at my current job. There’s a bit of a full circle thing happening and I’m excited about it.
Does this mean you are leaving the running job?
Shelly – I was fired from the running job a year ago this upcoming Friday. You can read about that experience here: https://josh.run/blog/2024/05/14/that-time-i-was-fired-from-my-job-at-a-run-club/