I had a HeartSaver CT scan on December 20th to check for any calcification of my coronary arteries. The results came in today. I scored a zero across the board. There’s no presence of atherosclerotic plaque in any of the scanned coronary arteries.
I’ve run every day since December 20th because it’s just what I do. I enjoy it more than anything, and I’m training to pace the Austin Marathon on February 16th so I can help others achieve their goals. There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by in these past 14 that I haven’t thought that this might be the last run. Something could get lodged or dislodged and that could be the proverbial widowmaker.
I opened the envelope that contained my test results as I walked the quarter mile back from the mailbox. I read as fast as I could and took in as much as I could until I got to the series of zeros in my Agatston score. My throat closed and my eyes just filled with tears. I don’t know why. I don’t know if it’s because I fear death. I don’t think I do. But I do contemplate my mortality as I get older. I wonder if it’s because I think this is just going to be a part of life now; getting scans and tests for things that I need to get scanned and tested so I can know what’s going to slow me down and kill me if I’m proactive about it. But that’s all doom and gloom.
I think the reason that my eyes welled up is because a piece of paper reminded me that I’m alive today. And today is all that I have.
Josh: Once again, an eloquent expression of your feelings related to something major in your life! Really glad to hear about everything being zero! Just shows that circumstances can’t keep a good man down!!