The First Day of School

Maly, Elise and I maintain a group text. Maly named the group text “People I Know” many years ago. At first I thought it was cute, and maybe one day she, or one of us, would change the group text to something more appropriate, like “family.” But it hasn’t changed. And as I’ve thought about it more, and thought that I might wish the name of the group text would change, the more I think it’s right. We are the people that we know, probably taken for granted. But the three of us know.

Maly sent this poem to us on the first day of school. It was something she’d found on TikTok.

The First Day of School

I’m 5 years old
I wake up early for my first day of kindergarten
“I don’t want to go to school mommy, I’ll miss you”
And I don’t know anyone
And I don’t leave the house often
And I’m scared
But I go anyway
And I cry walking into the classroom away from my mommy
My only friend
But I make friends quickly
And I like learning.

I’m 12 year old
I wake up early for my first day of 7th grade
“I don’t want to go to school, it’s boring”
And the girls are mean
And I have too many classes for one day
And I don’t like my teachers
But I go anyway
And I linger in the car next to my mom
But I get out and walk away And run to my friends And they protect me.

I’m 15 years old
I wake up early for my first day of sophomore year
“I don’t want to go to school, I’m tired.”
Everything’s heavy
And I can barely stand anymore
And it’s all too loud
But I go anyway
And I look up at my huge school And I sit with my friends
And they carry me through my year.

I’m 17 years old
Tomorrow I will wake up early for my first day of senior year
“I don’t want to go to school, I don’t want to grow up.
Time is moving too fast
And I’m not ready for it to be over
And I’m scared
But I’ll go anyway.
And I’ll linger in the passenger seat
Because I don’t want it to be the last time my mommy drives me to school
And I’ll cry the night before thinking about it And I’ll find my friends and they’ll comfort me
But they’re all ready to grow up
And I’m still getting ready for my first day of kindergarten.

One Reply to “The First Day of School”

  1. That is absolutely beautiful! And so true! Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) it’s part of the growing-up process — one foot in childhood, the other in adulthood. The good thing is that time moves one more and more into adulthood and the relationship with childhood enters a deeper level. As the old saying goes: “A good childhood gives you roots and wings” — wings to fly on your own and roots to provide the launch pad for flying.

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