First day of 9th Grade today:

First day of 8th Grade last year:

First day of 7th Grade 2 years ago:

First day of 6th Grade 3 years ago:

First day of 5th Grade 4 years ago:

First day of 4th Grade 5 years ago:

First day of 3rd Grade 6 years ago

First day of 2nd Grade 7 years ago

First day of 1st Grade 8 years ago:

First day of Kindergarten 9 years ago:

First day of school 10 years ago:

First day of school 11 years ago:

First day of school 12 years ago:

How is it possible that you are a freshman in High School?! It seems like only yesterday that we walked to the park when you were three (actually I think you rode in the stroller) while your parents were in Prague. When your parents got home, you told them about the park and said “Boppa couldn’t run because he’s old,” and “Gran couldn’t run because she had her knee placed.”
There have been so many other memorable moments with you. And I hope there will be many, many more!.