The Maly babbling video

One evening a few years ago, Maly and I had dinner in the kitchen while Elise was out for the night. After dinner, Maly just started, out of nowhere, discussing something that was very important to her in her native tongue. I poured a big glass of scotch, got the camera and reveled in her speaking her mind.

(Here’s the YouTube link:

Three years later, some people (~2,600 since yesterday) found the video. Some of those people have asked me, “what’s your daughter talking about these days?” I usually just point them to her own website: www.Maly.TV, or a couple of my favorites, which were when we cooked together when she was 2-years-old, and, more recently, when we dined on $80 Cilantro Spaghetti together on the deck.

A complete stranger and new Facebook friend wrote yesterday and said, “This child […] is going to save the world.” I can only hope that she does.

One Reply to “The Maly babbling video”

  1. I can’t stop laughing. I have to watch this everyday…makes me think there is hope for this world, if there are people like you in it! This is beyond funny, it is genius!
    Is Maly a clone of you??? Are you really from Texas?

    You might like to see another loving, imaginative, ccreative family in Canada… Mugglesam on youtube…

    Great blogs, I’m hooked….lucky family to have you…greetings from Vancouver!!!
    Ps Please tell me you are a Democrat. We are getting scared up here!

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