First time getting chewed out by a toddler

Elise has been purging. She’s purging us of excessive red meat, processed foods and, for the most part, clutter and wasteful spending.

Earlier this week Elise threw away one of Maly’s yellow hair scrunchies. This scrunchie had seen it’s day, all tattered and frayed. It was tossed into the wicker waste basket in Maly’s bathroom.

On Wednesday night, Elise and I were standing and talking in the kitchen after dinner. Maly had gone into her bathroom, probably to blow her nose or wash her hands. After a few minutes of the house being quiet, Maly presented herself in the kitchen. Elise and I were standing before the sink. Maly stood firm next to the pantry, across the kitchen from us. Her presence was immediately felt by us both.

She made sure to look us both in the eyes individually. First her mom, then me.

“Mom. Dad. This does not go in the trash.”

That’s all she said. And then she walked off. I snickered under my breath, quiet enough so my daughter wouldn’t hear me and come back to discipline us again.

“Holy shit! We just got in trouble.”





We totally got in trouble by our toddler.

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