Home after a weekend at Grandma’s

We just got back from a weekend at mom’s place. We left on Friday for Grandma’s around 5:30 p.m. and although Maly was well behaved in the car, she was really anxious to get there. We pulled into the driveway right at 7:30, ran in to get mom and then we loaded into the car again to head over to Crossroads for fried catfish.

After eating, we headed back to the house and tried to put Maly down after cleaning up. I think she was a little too excited to be at her Grandma’s house and didn’t want to go to bed. She wanted her mom, grandma and me to all tell her stories. We think she finally fell asleep at 11 p.m.

The grown-ups stayed up and chatted and watched TV. Maly woke up at her usual time on Saturday morning. My mom and I got up with her and I tried to let Elise sleep in a little bit. Most of my day consisted of repairing a wooden arbor for my mom’s courtyard, spreading mulch and playing with Maly.

Later that evening I cooked steak au poivre for the girls. After dinner Maly was pooped and no problems conking out.

On Sunday Elise let me sleep in. Once I woke up we all had breakfast and it was back to the arbor again. Elise and Maly walked over to the fenceline to watch the neighbors horses. We all took a break, went inside and played memory with Maly. Mom grilled pork loin medallions on her George Foreman grill for lunch and Maly went down for a nap shortly after.

Once Maly got up, she and I played with R/C car on the side patio, then it was time to get ready to go. We headed out around 5:30 and Maly did pretty well until we were about half an hour to our house. She to us she missed her grandma and wanted grandma to hold her. It was really sad to see Maly miss her grandma so much, fortunately she was quickly distracted by the iPhone and the reminder that she was going to get home soon and get to play with her cats.

So, it was a fun yet fast weekend.

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