Elise found a Little Tikes kitchen clubhouse with a picnic table on Craiglist today that we just couldn’t pass up. So we drove up to north Austin this evening to pick it up. The nice couple had it in their oasis of a backyard for their grandchildren who have since grown out of it.
It took us half an hour after chatting with the sellers, reveling in their backyard, disassembling the kitchen and trying to figure out how to fit it into the Murano. We had to put Maly’s car seat in the front seat (Whoa yeah… she was stoked about that). Elise had to sit on the back of the forward-reclined rear seat with her chest pretty much pressed against the back of my seat. It was tight squeeze.
Since Maly was my copilot, we had to indulge in a bit of headbanging air guitar a la Metallica. I cranked up Orion. Sounded awesome and boomed on the Bose. John and I recently cultured Maly and Jack a couple weeks ago in the ways of drum, rhythm and lead solos, specifically for Orion on a recent car ride out in Lakeway. Maly remembered, and with her sitting next to me in the front seat, headbanged and even pulled off her own air guitar solo! It was so unbelievably funny. She was right on queue, and what’s interesting is that she chose to play air guitar left-handed! It was so stinkin’ awesome… My little prodigy.