A web design job got passed around among a couple friends and me. None of us really wanted the job because 1) the assumption was that there wasn’t a whole lot of money alloted for the job and 2) there’s not a lot of time for side projects.
I was hesitant about getting an iPhone the day they came out because I’m now sceptical about buying the first generation of anything, especially a phone manufactured by Apple, who is a new player in the mobile phone world.
John waited in line for four hours and bought an iPhone the day they came out. He called me from it and said it was everything it had been made out to be and it was the best cell phone he’d ever owned. He let me play with the iPhone the following Monday morning. My first thoughts, “Wow! This thing is friggin’ awesome!” While I was playing with the iPhone, our Systems Administrator had been IMing me with a bunch of urgent questions. I put him off and put him off. Finally I wrote him back and said, “Hang on, I’m playing with John’s iPhone.”
Within seconds I could hear Sully’s footsteps as he ran over to my desk from the other side of the office to check out the iPhone. I relinquished the marvel and watched as Sully gleamed with geeky enthusiasm.
“Dude, I HAVE to get one of these”, he said.
A light bulb popped up above my head. I asked Sully if he wanted to work on a web design project with me. The payment would be iPhones for the both of us.
I sold the client on the project for the amount that would afford two iPhones. We finished our work on Thursday evening and I purchased two iPhones at the Apple store on Friday morning.
Setting up the iPhone took a whole 2 minutes using iTunes and the thing is truly amazing. It is an awesome device that you could only expect from a company like Apple. I love my iPhone. It is everything that they said it would be. It is, however, very dangerous. Do not watch YouTube videos on your iPhone will driving down the highway to pick up pizza for dinner on a Friday night.
It’s beautiful, intuitive and simple to use. I don’t miss the clunky interface of my (now Elise’s) Motorola RAZR.
The iPhone is so easy to use that Maly immediately figured it out.
I am SO jealous!