The dream you dream you’ll never have

It was previously decided that upon our return from Des Moines on Sunday, we would start putting Maly to sleep in her crib and employ the baby monitor. Up until this point Maly had been sleeping in a cradle that her maternal Grandpa made for her.

I didn’t sleep well that night. Not well at all. I don’t think Elise slept well either.

On Monday night we recounted our individual experiences from the night prior.

It was pitch black in our bedroom. We were both lying on our backs, ready for sleep.

“Oh, hey!”


“I had a really weird dream last night.”

“Oh, yeah. What happened?”

“We were sitting on the floor in our bedroom with a couple of our friends. I said, ‘Hey! Y’all listen to this’. The room fell silent as I grabbed the baby monitor. I turned the monitor up as loud as it would go and giggled as I whispered, ‘Shhhhh. Listen.’

Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. We heard the baby’s heartbeat. We could all hear the baby breathing, too.

Then there was a something like a growl. We all fell dead silent and everyone’s eyes got huge. Then a sudden thump, a fraction of a whimper and then silence from the monitor. Something was in her room and…”

“Uuuggh!!! Why did you have to have THAT dream?!?!”

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