I FINALLY felt my kid kick tonight. For the past three weeks Elise would jump from the chair in the living room and over the coffee table to me on the couch and say, “HURRY! It’s moving!” I would put my hand on Elise’s stomach and wait.
And wait.
And wait more.
I finally felt my kid kick tonight. Actually I saw it before I felt it. That was weird. I then rested my hand on Elise’s stomach for longer than normal and actually felt it.
It wasn’t what I was expecting. Instead of little taps or thumps, I felt full-on reverse hook kicks. This kid is in Tae Kwon Do training already. What I felt was Elise’s entire stomach thumping like a micro-Josh-in-training is in there.
Elise insists on knowing how I’m “feeling”.
I’m excited but kind of concerned that we’re spawning an ass-kicking alien.
Looks/feels like something out of “V” don’t it? (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085106/)