At 4 p.m. this afternoon I found Paul Teutul’s lifeless body resting flat on the rocks at the bottom of Tony Soprano’s tank.

I bought Paul Teutul, a gold guaramie, as a companion for Tony Soprano last week. Paul Teutul was introduced just over a month after Tony Soprano’s companion, Carmela tragically hanged herself.
Tony Soprano and Paul Teutul, named for his handlebar-style mustache, seemed to be friends during their one week together. It was, however, commonplace for TS to do a little bullying by chasing PT around the tank.

Tony Soprano is resilient, in good health and has quickly adapted to being alone again.
The two deaths being so close together leave us to wonder if foul play was involved and what, if any, is on Tony Soprano’s agenda.
I spoke with Tony Soprano moments after exhuming and caring for the deceased Paul Teutul. His response: “Seen if before. Wuddya gonna do?”
You might want to change the water out of that bowl.
That’s some funny shit man