Lonestar Rollergirls

Commercials for Rollergirls have been running for the past few weeks. I had to conciously remind myself to watch the season premiere tonight. Kirk e-mailed me last night to remind me to watch it. I met April aka “La Muerta”, manager of Putas Del Fuego and her husband, Ritz last spring at Sam Hill. It was hilarious to hear them talk about how sick they were of the A&E crew following them around everywhere.

So I watched the season premiere tonight. After the first 15 minutes I was going to change the channel because I thought it was going to be Laguna Beach on roller skates. Then the “game” was explained and I was hooked. Competing in a roller derby has to be an absolute rush!

It was really great to see some Austin landmarks and girls with bruises and scabbed knees “jamming” each other.

Over the past few years I’ve noted the roller derby ads in the Austin Chronicle but never made it out to a bout. Hopefully Mrs. Preggers and I can go to one before the hype sets in. If not, and if the next episode is better than tonight’s, I’ll entertain TiVoing the series.

2 Replies to “Lonestar Rollergirls”

  1. looks like these nights look good in January:
    Jan. 15, 2006: Cherry Bombs vs. Hellcats
    Jan. 29, 2006: Putas Del Fuego vs. Holy Rollers

    Wanna go?

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