The AC in my monster truck went out on me this past Friday. I was driving home from work and I heard a “Thunk”, followed by a long “Flap”, and then a “Whizzzzzzzz”.
I figured I’d wait until the Spring before I get it looked at as I really won’t need it for quite a while. Or so I thought. I drove to work this morning as the temperature outside was a cozy 73 degrees. Driving home was a bitch. Black truck, no window tint, vinyl seats, black shirt and khaki pants.

I feel your pain, Josh. My AC went out at the beginning of summer. Since then I’ve started noticing all the other folks who don’t have AC (or they just love to sweat and drive around with the windows down in 120 degree heat).
And just because I was curious, I stuck a thermometer in my 4-wheeled sauna so I’d know just how much heat I was dealing with. Many days the mercury was maxed out above the 120 degree mark when I got in and didn’t fall below 110 for at least 20 minutes.
Ah, but Autumn is just around the corner…