Elise and I went to The Backyard on Tuesday night to see Journey.
It was about two months ago where I found myself sitting on the couch and decided that I wanted to go to The Backyard as I’ve lived in Austin for over a decade and had not yet seen a live performance at this venue. My options for musical entertainment at the time were Tori Amos or Journey. Elise saw Tori at The Backyard a couple years ago and to be honest, I get my fill of estrogen on a daily basis at work. I bought two tickets online to see Journey.
I remember being a young lad and picking up a couple albums (those large, black things that pre-date the cassette, although cassettes were available at the time) at a local record store. I bought “Captured” and Black Sabbath’s self-titled album. I liked the Sabbath album more but Journey’s album was still pretty cool. I remember hearing Journey on the radio in Houston and being piped through the speakers at the bowling alleys and skating rinks.
So I have a long history with Journey. I listened to that Journey album on my portable record player when I was called to ‘Nam for my second tour, when JFK was shot, when JR was shot, when the Challenger exploded and after the series finale of 21 Jump Street.
The Journey concert was cheesy. I can’t sugar coat it. The tickets were expensive but at least the beer was relatively inexpensive and The Backyard really is a cool venue for a live show. It’s was one of those shows were you leave and say to yourself, “At least I can say I’ve seen Journey in concert”.
Elise and I got home around 10:30 and had a couple Hi-C juice boxes and break danced in the living room before going to bed.

Now I’m going to have “Don’t Stop Believin” stuck in my head for the rest of the day….**reaches for his iPod, spins the click wheel and clicks on Journey**