Testosterone and a little fish

I went on a weekend bachelor party to Port Aransas this past weekend for the soon-to-be groom Brad Patak.

Carlo, Brad, Steve and I left on Friday morning and headed down 183 south to Port A., stopping for lunch at Kreuz Market for brisket. Don’t ask for barbecue sauce there. You’ll be butchered.

We arrived in Port A. that afternoon and met up with all the guys. That evening we hit the local hotspot, Sharky’s for beer drinking and cat calling (well, for the unmarried guys).

We stayed up until the wee hours of the morning only to be awaken by the buzz of the alarm an hour later. Out of 12 men there were seven of us who droopy-eyed and foot draggingly made our way to the marina for a morning of bay fishing.

Fishing, cussing, telling jokes and drinking beer all before the sun came up. Real me we were. John caught a couple fish we later used for bait. I eventually caught a ~16″ redfish. Carlo made out best with a 21″ keeper that we decided to give to Captain Don.

That night we hung around the house and watched college football. All the boys sans John and myself went out for another night on the town. They came home early in the morn and must have forgotten that two of us stayed back and were trying to sleep. Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep for the rest of the night.

John and I left early on Sunday and made it back to Austin in time for lunch. It was good to get away for a long weekend. I was let down by not catching more fish, but had a nice time nonetheless.

Josh's little redfish

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