Lunch date and two tickets

After over a year my wife finally came up to Marble Falls to have lunch with me. That’s one of the things I miss most about having to commute and hour to work… not being able to drive a short distance to meet Elise for lunch.

So we had a nice lunch at the Bluebonnet Cafe. Well, my lunch was good. I had the open face pot roast. Elise had a bland open face chicken fried steak. Afterwards we walked next door to the pottery shop on the corner of Hwy 281 and 3rd street. I drive by this store at least twice daily and have yet to stop in to look at the wares for sale. We found three items that we agreed we really liked so I’m going to make a special trip to Marble Falls this Saturday to pick up some pots and deck decorations.

We had a nice late lunch but had to make it short as Elise had to get back to Austin for a catering.

45 minutes after leaving, Elise called my office. She was waiting for the police officer who had just pulled her over to finish running her plates. She had no inspection sticker and expired insurance.

I think I’m partially to blame for both counts. Texas recently changed the design of our registration stickers. The short of it, I, for some unknown reason, removed the Jeep’s inspection sticker and replaced it with Texas’s new registration sticker. So Elise has been driving around with two registration stickers, that look nothing alike, for a few months.

What’s funny is I had been getting onto Elise about getting her registration sticker renewed. I thought it had long since expired. I was always looking at where the registration sticker should be, which is where it was but seemed to have expired. The inspection sticker (which was actually the recent registration sticker) was up-to-date. I wanted to get this all squared away because I’m in the process of moving the lien on the Jeep from our old credit union in Temple to our credit union in Austin and for paperwork reasons needed the expiration date for the registration, which I thought was expired.

So that’s one ticket for Elise.

The next ticket is for expired insurance. I might have received a current proof of insurance card from our insurance company somewhere in the telephone book-thick paperwork that they send me once a month. I most likely threw it away. I’m pleading the fifth here, but that might have happened only because I think it’s pretty stupid all of the paperwork that is sent from our insurance company.

And to make things more difficult, I recently wanted to leave our insurance company because I found a better deal through Progressive. I called our exisiting insurance company and told them I wanted to cancel our policy. I explained why and they were quick to find a way to keep us as customers. Part of this deal meant that I would need to open my own policy and have two of our vehicles in my name. This means we have two separate policies that require two phone book-sized stacks of paperwork that are crammed into our mailbox once a month.

I don’t want to read all of that tangible paper crap. I pay my auto insurance bill online. If I want to read insurance crap I’ll go to the insurance company’s website and read the crap that I need to read there. Crap.

Crap is a funny word. We shourd reprace arr of our L’s with R’s…

“I tord this joke at the company picnic and everyone raughed and crapped their hands.”

Erise and I have a 50/50 rerationship. I’rr take harf the brame for these tickets.

I guess it will be hard from this point forward to convince her to drive out to Marble Falls to have lunch with me again.

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