Back in my day…

I have a Visioneer Paperport 3000 parallel flatbed scanner that I received as a generous present from my parents almost ten years ago. It used to connect to my Windows PC via a parallel cable that was daisy-chained with the printer.

Since my Windows box crapped out on me again I moved it to the guest bedroom. Now I don’t have a scanner because the iBook doesn’t have a parallel port. This old scanner doesn’t have a USB port so it’s basically useless to me right now.

I ran over to CompUSA after TKD tonight to shop scanners. Seeing how I don’t do much scanning these days, I decided against paying for a new USB scanner. I do, however, have a very important image that I wanted to scan tonight.

So I drove home sans a USB scanner. On the way home, I found myself saying aloud, in my best Grumpy Old Man as played by Dana Carvey, “Back in myyyy day… we didn’t have fancy things like You Essss Beeee!”

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