Dodging Katrina


Matt e-mailed this morning to let me know that he and Gabrielle (and the cats) are safe in Houston after having just moved into a house in New Orleans!

Hey Everybody!

Thanks so much for all your emails and phone calls over the last couple of days. It means the world to us to know you are all there. Here’s what we know.

As some of you know, we are in Houston at my Dad’s house. All the animals are fine, we are fine. Just worried about where all this will put us. The road in and out of the city are littered with trees and debris. The twin bridge that runs to the west bank (our version of the golden gate bridge) is gone. There is no clean running water, no electricity, lots of snakes and “swamp-things” running around the hood.

We spoke to our landlord last night for the first time. She is a head nurse in the ICU at the only remaing hospital. She let us know that except for a missing fence and a couple of broken windows the house is fine – no water damage that she could see. That was good news. The sad thing is, we dont know what it will be like to come home too. With a million homeless people, contaminated water, and no power, it could be like living in a Mad Max movie……and I’m no Mel Gibson!

Thanks again for all your help and concern. We will be alright. Just pray for those 20,000 in the Superdome! yikes!

-matt & gab

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