El Regio and bad Spanish

Elise found a gem of an eatery via her boss a few months ago and I was treated to this awesome pollo asado last night. The place is El Regio and all they serve is grilled chicken.

El Regio got its start in my neck of the woods (aka barrio) when I first moved to Austin. I never stopped to try the food because 1) I was a freshman in college and just assumed that my culinary delights were limited to Ramen, Gumby’s Pizza and widemouth Mickey’s malt liquor 2) I was a gringo and in this time that we called “the nineties” us gringos were fearful of being mocked if we wanted to exchange cash for food prepared by those of direct Hispanic decent (this was also true of lesbians).

Now that I have grown older, wiser, befriended lesbians, hispanics and a guy named Carl who has a lazy eye, I can comfortably send my wife to El Regio to get dinner. Anyway – it’s great grilled chicken. A media pollo costs a whopping $6 and can easily feed two. Get extra salsitas picosas.

I’m practicing my Espanoliolio because Elise and I will be waking up at the crack of manana and leaving for Cabo San Lucas. It’s a much needed vacation and I plan on relaxing to the point that attain a zen-like understanding of my life and the future. Or heartburn. Whichever comes first.

“Hola. Mi nombre es Senor Pollo Cabeza. Donde est el bano? El queso es viejo y mohoso. Git-R-Done.”

So if you don’t see any posts here for the next week, check the Josh & Elise Cabo Blogo.

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