Heather & Juliette drive in from Des Moines

Texas Princess (from Iowa)

Elise’s friend, Heather and her daughter, Juliette drove in from Des Moines last Monday. I had the day off so I smoked ribs all day to celebrate our nation’s independence. Once the girls rolled in from the long haul, we all sat around the table and gnawed on ribs and poblano potato salad.

After finishin’ our grub, we drove downtown to watch the fireworks on Town Lake. After the fireworks show, we headed home and all went to bed.

I had to work on Tuesday. Elise took most of the day off and took Heather and Juliette swimming and treated them to dinner at El Arroyo.

I came home from Tae Kwon Do and had my to-go order of beef fajitas.

On Wednesday the girls went swimming again while yours truly was at work. I came home and smoked a coffee and chile rubbed pork loin with a buttery white wine & roasted corn sauce with left-over potato salad.

Thursday the girls went to Wal-Mart and a quick lunch at Chick-Fil-A where Juliette got stuck on the slide in the playscape. From what I’ve been told, that was a dramatic ordeal. Then they all did some shopping about town, toured First Thursday on S. Congress and went to the mall to buy souvenirs.

Then they all went and picked up pizza from Austin’s Pizza Garden (awesome pizza!) I came home from TKD while the girls were eating. Having only had a banana for lunch, I was quick to jump in and beat all the females in a pizza eating contest.

I had to leave for work early on Friday and gave Heather and Juliette hugs before I left. They left shortly after I did for the long haul back to Des Moines.

I’m glad Elise had the chance to spend some quality time with Heather and Juliette. Heather mentioned many times that she’d love to live in Austin. We’d love to have her!

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