Giss\’s, Quail and friends

Elise and I went to Giss’s Cafe for dinner on Friday night. We had read a good review by Dale Rice and wanted to support a neighborhood restaurant. We met the owner, he asked us how our dinner was and we didn’t have the heart to say “Ehhhh…”

I had the fried catfish and Elise had the chicken pot pie. The service was great and since Giss’s Cafe is in the process of getting their liquor license, Elise was treated to a free glass of wine (if you don’t have a license, you can serve booze for free!). My catfish was okay. I’m used Friday night catfish fries at Crossroads Tavern back home. Elise’s pot pie was very bland.

After dinner we drove over to Hollywood Video and picked up “Closer” and “The Incredibles”. Both were awesome movies.

Elise and I worked in the yard Saturday morning before Elise had to go to work. Shortly before returning from work, I prepped stuffed quail for our dinner.

Prepping stuffed quail

    Smoked Stuffed Texas Quail with an Ancho Ginger Honey Sauce on top of Texas Wild Rice and Pumpkin Seeds

    Stuff quail with venison and pork sausage and cilantro, wrap quail in two strips of bacon.
    Smoke quail on grill until internal temperature is 170 degrees.

    Sautee onions, carrots and garlic until carmelized.
    Add 1.5 C. veal stock (my new best friend)
    Soy sauce
    Add reconstitituted ancho, sandia and chipotle peppers
    Blend in blender or use boat motor
    Add honey to desired sweetness

    Smoked Stuffed Texas Quail

Elise and I went to meet Adrian and Holly at the Lucky Lounge for a couple drinks.

After deciding we didn’t want to spend too much money and yell over one another, we drove out to Kirk and Lanessa’s where we raised hell and had a shocking good time.

The change in time made for Elise and I getting home at almost 4 a.m. Elise had to work today so I slept in and mowed the yard.

Another fun weekend that blew by too quickly.

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