The Salt Lick, yard work & red hot chile peppers

I shopped for land on my way home from work on Friday evening. I drove down Fall Creek Road between Llano County and home. I found a 2 acre lot that I didn’t like. The Texas hill country is very, very rocky. Elise and I would love to own a small plot of land and I figured it’s never to early to start shopping. I’d like to be a small time rancher one day – maybe have an exotic game farm.

When I got into Austin, I drove around to pick up John’s birthday presents. After that, went home and guarded the TV.

Elise had to work most of the day on Saturday. I raked leaves, fertilized the lawn, pruned the crepe myrtle, spreaded mulch and potted three really cool willow plants that I picked up at Central Market a few weeks ago and put a wireless VPN router up for sale on Ebay. After all of that hard work, I treated myself to a 1GB iPod shuffle.

Elise came home around 5 and we headed out through the nasty drizzle to meet up with friends for dinner at The Salt Lick. Despite the horrible weather, the restaurant was packed. The Salt Lick provides a great atmosphere but Elise and I have never been true fans of the food. This time the food was fantastic (although we’re true Rudy’s fans). We were very impressed that our service and food was top notch given the crowd and the weather.

Elise and I ran into our neighbors as we were leaving the restaurant and stopped to chat for a while. On the way home we stopped at Blockbuster and rented Garden State. Awesome movie.

Elise went to church Sunday morning. I updated with a very disturbing post. Elise came home and we went for a late lunch at Hill’s Cafe (great comfort food). Elise had the pork loin plate. I had the Redneck Philly sandwich.

After lunch we drove back to Oak Hill so I could pick up some goodies at Wyatt’s Nursery. I’m going for a full-on pepper garden this year (I had great luck last year) – Anaheims, cayennes, habeneros, jalapenos and poblanos. I’ve been doing a lot of research on chile peppers and am really excited about a fruitful summer – a lot of sweat from not only gardening in the Texas heat, but also some new culinary endeavors.

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