I moved Janicek.com from Blogger to WordPress 1.x earlier this month because 1) I wanted my publishing software to be on my server versus Blogger’s server and 2) because I really liked the clean design of Michael Heilemann’s Kubrick template for WordPress.
Due to its popularity, Kubrick is now the default theme for WordPress 1.5. Owen Winkler created a great tool called Kubrickr that “lets you replace that giant blue blob at the top of your WordPress 1.5 blog with a nice photo from Flickr.”
I personally like having random photos that we’ve taken or are meaningful to us for our website’s mast.
Here’s how to create your own random header images for your Kubrick-themed weblog using Photoshop:
Download Kubrick 1.2.6 and unzip.
Open ‘Kubrick Theme.psd’ in Photoshop (I’ve done these steps using Photoshop 5.5 & 7 in Windows and Photoshop CS on my iBook).
You only want to concern yourself with the ‘Blue Header’ layer (should be the fourth layer from the top).
Highlight the ‘Blue Header’ layer and select it with the Magic Wand Tool.

Copy your selection (Ctrl+C, Command+C, Edit > Copy, what have you)
Open the photo(s) you want to use for your header. Note: your header image is going to be 720 x 182 pixels, your photo should be at least that.
Paste the copied ‘Blue Header’ layer onto your photo and change the opacity of your Blue Header to 50% so you can see your image in the background and position Blue Header to your liking.

Once you have your Blue Header positioned, change the opacity back to 100%.
Use the Magic Wand Tool to select the Blue Header layer. Now highlight the background layer in your layers palette.

Copy (Ctrl+C, Command+C or Edit > Copy) the background selection.
Open ‘kubrickheader.jpg’ (Kubrick v1.2.6/images) in Photoshop.
Paste your selection onto ‘kubrickheader.jpg’ and position accordingly.

Save your new header as whatever you like (I would name this one zebraheader.jpg). If you’re not going to have random images (new image upon page refresh), save it as kubrickheader.jpg and upload to yourwebsite.com/wp-content/themes/default/images
Congratulations. You have a custom header.
If you want rotating images, download Automatic’s image rotator and upload the script (rotator.php) to:
yourwebsite.com/wp-content/themes/default/images/rotator/ (create ‘rotator’ directory).
Upload all of your header images (see steps above) to your rotator folder. Rotator.php and your header images must be in the same folder.
Now to change your WordPress template:
For WordPress 1.5 login to your WordPress installation. Presentation > Theme Editor and click Header Template on the right.
Look about halfway down through the code and you will see: /images/kubrickheader.jpg
Change to: /images/rotate/rotate.php
That’s it!
Let me know if you have any problems or questions.