Grand Dragon J

I was getting ready to go to work yesterday. I walked to my truck and noticed that I had four quarts of used oil in the bed of my truck from when I changed my oil last week. I decided that I didn’t want old quarts of oil in my truck, so I took them, along with the old oil filter and walked them to the garage. In doing so, I spilled oil all over the floor of the garage.

I used the rest of my gasoline from our gas containers to wipe up the spilled oil. I put the gas cans in the back of my truck so I could fill them when I stopped to get gas on the way to work.

I went to work. After work, I went to Tae Kwon Do. When I leave Tae Kwon Do, I always keep my dobok on while driving home. I got home, got out of the truck and grabbed my two gas cans. Just as I grabbed the two bright red gas cans, my neighbor pulled into his driveway. Both of my hands were occupied carrying gas cans. I lifted one of my arms in a waving gesture to greet my neighbor (who happens to be a black man). It was then that I realized what it looked like I was doing. I laughed at myself and went inside.

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