Tossing the mail key

John and Christine came over tonight for the first time since Jack was born. I was laughing (at myself, by myself – as usual) the other day when I was recounting the day that Jack was born. I left work early because I knew that Elise and I would be going to the hospital that afternoon. I pulled onto the street that enters our subdivision. I decided to pull over and check the mail (we have one of those community mailbox centers). I opened our mailbox to find the mail and a key. The key was for one of the larger mailboxes that the postal service uses should you receive a large package via the USPS.

Just as I grabbed the key, my cell phone rang. It was John. He said “Dude, I have a boy!” It was at that point that I was filtering my mail. One hand held mail. The other hand held junk mail. My shoulder was holding my cell phone against my ear. I went to throw away the junk mail and accidentally threw the mail key into the trash. I was trying to maintain some sort of enthusiasm while hearing the news of my nephew’s birth while juggling two handfuls of mail and digging through the trash while other residents of the neighborhood were stopping to get their mail.

I was just reminded of that and thought it was funny.

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