I worked from home this morning and made my way towards Marble Falls at around 11 a.m. this morning. Upon passing the Burnet County line, I witnessed a brand new Lotus Elise driving on the other side of the highway. Quite an impressive vehicle.
Trust me, it’s hard having a wife by the name of Elise and a car, which was recently introduced to the U.S. consumer market, by that same name and not wanting to run out and buy one. I want to at least test drive one. I don’t think that would be too hard to arrange. I’ll find a dealer in Austin who sells them, Elise and I will visit the showroom, I’ll have Elise show the salesperson her driver’s license and I’ll tell the saleperson that I’m going to buy my wife, Elise, a Lotus Elise. Eventually. In 2020.
Back to my drive to work. Upon reaching the Marble Falls city limits, I saw a bumper sticker that read: “Rock is Dead. Long live paper and scissors”. I chuckled. As I grow older (note I’m not following that with ‘wiser’), I’ve noticed that I don’t listen to the radio as much. I could attribute that to a portable digital music player. But 95% of the music on my iPod is older music that I grew up listening to. If I’m not listening to older music that was good ‘back in my day’, I’m leaning toward NPR or other talk radio.
Back when the only worry I had in the world was how to strategically sneak out of my parents’ the house at night, every rock band was golden in my eyes. Every lyric had some meaning. Every note, every riff meant something and it was cutting edge and inspiring. Even contemporary music was inspiring.
I drove home from Tae Kwon Do tonight. The iPod was set to shuffle all songs. Breathe by Pearl Jam played. That was, and still is, a good song. It’s probably a ten-year-old song. It doesn’t seem like ten years have gone by. I tune into the local ‘alternative’ station every once in a while. Some new-fangled noise is being played. I almost break my hip trying to lean over and change the station to NPR.
Long live paper and scissors.