I decided to work from home this morning. Around 11 o’clock I went out into the backyard for a little break. I walked over to the garden to check the tomato plant. I felt something under my right foot. It felt like I was standing on a sharp twig. The longer I stood there, the more it hurt. My internal pain response mechanism sent a memo to my lower right appendage stating: “Hey, maybe you should move your foot”. I did just that. A large red wasp flew up from under the grass where I had just been standing. It flew towards my head. I maintained my manliness by not shrieking like a little girl. Instead I frolicked back to the patio and assessed the damages. Nothing like a good ol’ wasp sting between the pinky and next toe to start off a Tuesday. That hurt like hell. Coincidentally, my boss, who is also a pharmacist, called shortly after the attack. Remedy: vinegar. The acetic acid in vinegar neutralized the sting.
I was reading this entry because I was wondering how to cure bug stings. I recently got bit by fire ants and today being the 4th day am finally not iching, and barely yesterday I noticed my swelling going down. My whole ankle was swollen as if I had spranged it, and I had only gotten bit by two of them continuously I assume, b/c I had on one the bites a straight line of those liquid filled bubbles. So after it had happened I did wonder if putting vinegar would help it, but you know for some stupid reason I didn’t and I totally regret it!