The other half

I’ve found myself checking the website to see what I’ve been up to and have been disappointed because the submissions are less frequent than they used to be. This is due to Josh having less time to write because of more responsibility at work. The sad thing is I think I’m just as disappointed as my Grandma and parents because I haven’t been able to read about what’s been happening in our lives…never mind that I’m living it. I decided it’s time for me to share some of the responsibility of documenting our lives so here goes:

I love being a homeowner, or maybe the term should be home borrower seeing as how the lender still owns the majority of our house. Josh and I were looking at pictures the other day and remarking at how much has changed since we moved in. It definitely feels more like “our home” now. It’s still a slow process, but how does the saying go? “Don’t count your Rome before it’s hatched,” or is it “Chickens weren’t built in one day?” Something like that…

(Sorry guys. I just don’t have the wit that Josh does.)

In other news, I’ll be traveling to Des Moines in August. Unfortunately Josh has to work so I’ll be traveling solo. The scary thing is I may be flying on Friday the 13th. Do you think the airlines give airfare discounts to people brave enough to fly on that day? I’m really looking forward to going home (my other home). This year is the Iowa State Fair’s Sesquicentennial. Believe it or not the Iowa State Fair was ranked 2nd best place to travel this summer by USA Weekend Magazine. For all of you jealous Texans out there…ahem…my husband…ahem…never fear, Guadalupe River tubing, Texas Hill Country was ranked 6th.

Not much else I can think of right now. It’s past my bedtime so I’ll try to write again before the next year has come and gone.

– Elise

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