New computer, late weekend with my parents

This past Friday evening I put a bunch of stuff on eBay. I watched School of Rock (boo) and went to bed. I finally reorganized our pantry and spice cabinet on Saturday morning. Damn I’m an exciting dude. I rebuilt my computer with a new Abit mainboard and 2.8GHz Pentium (insert annoying chime) 4 processor compliments of my parents. Seeing how I haven’t built a computer from the ground up in a few years it was much to my surprise that I put everything together quickly and painlessly. Painlessly until I turned the computer on and XP wouldn’t load. I called my mom, we tried to troubleshoot the issue over the phone but decided it would be best if she came to check it out.

Elise came home later that evening and I went to Blockbuster and rented The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Scarface and Radio. We stayed up until 1 a.m. and watched Radio. Good movie.

My parents drove in on Sunday in time for the four of us to have lunch at the Oak Hill Grill. Elise went to work later that afternoon, I went to the grocery store, Dad assessed the backyard for deck building and Mom reformatted my computer’s hard drive (which was all that was needed). I cooked Thai pork and fried rice for dinner.

I worked a half-day on Monday and spent the afternoon with my parents. Mom and I drove to Discount Electronics and bought a case, 15GB hard drive and 32MB graphics card to build another computer with my old motherboard and processor. I slapped this new computer together late that afternoon and grilled ribeyes, potatoes and squash for dinner. We all watched American Idol, The Swan and American Chopper.

I stayed in this morning to spend more time with my parents. They left around 10:30 and I went to work. Now I’m bummed because all of the excitement is over – my parents have gone home and I haven’t seen my wife in something like a month.

Maybe TKD will cheer me up tonight.

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