Venison tenderloin stuffed with chorizo

We try to come up with three recipes a piece before we go to the grocery store. I winged a few recipes and Elise picked out a couple from one of her Weight Watchers cookbooks (which actually has good recipes). Last night was supposed to be broiled ginger and rosemary tuna steaks but I neglected to read the recipe beforehand which indicated that the steaks were supposed to marinate for 6 hours. I had to improvise which rendered a pretty good dinner.

I stuffed a venison tenderloin with sautéed yellow onion, green pepper, jalapeno, cilantro, cumin, garlic, chili powder and chorizo. I grilled the tenderloin to a medium rare and cut in into medallions. I served it with a mango, jalapeno, garlic, cilantro and vinegar reduction and chipotle whipped potatoes. Elise doesn’t really like game or chorizo but cleaned her plate as fast as yours truly.

While indulging in improvised culinary craftsmanship, we enlightened our minds by watching two hours of Average Joe: Adam Returns.

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