Interior painting

Painting the house hasn’t gone quite as planned as of yet. I say this based on the color paint that was on the living room walls this morning. We went with “Dusty Sand” which turned out to be a little on the peach/pink side. Not us. We want the living room to be warmer. The walls were painted white with a very subtle blue tint that made the room very cold. Elise and I picked out a browner shade. Elise and Joanne went to Lowe’s last night and bought the new shade. I talked to Elise on the phone this afternoon and she said that the living room is done and looks good. I’m looking forward to seeing it when I get home today. I think they’re painting the kitchen right now. Joanne and Elise picked a terracotta rag roll technique for the kitchen. I’m really curious as to how that’s going to look.

I’ll post pictures tonight.

I think my office is next on the hit parade for paint. We all decided on sage green. I would’ve been fine with plain white but Elise and I talked about it and we’re going to put large black and white photos in the office and I think the darker earth-toned color will look nice.

Buffalo burgers went over well last night even though the sauce was too hot for even your humble narrator. We ate really late too so my stomach isn’t too happy with me right now. Tonight I’m going to make up some sort of grilled salmon salad sandwiches with granny smith apples on toasted rye.

The girls went to bed early last night. Steve and I stayed up until after 1 a.m. talking about paint, power tools, money and computers. Needless to say, I’m tired as hell today.

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