Chairman of Home Depot

We’ve been busy. Owning a house will do that to you. We’re still unpacking. I’ve installed a digital thermostat, semi-organized the garage, screwed a 2 x 6 into the garage wall and mounted heavy-duty tool rack that hold shovels, rakes, etc., insulated a furnace duct in the attic, picked up [more] rocks, ran my backyard water drain pipe, yelled at cats, yelled at myself and yelled at a slotted spoon. It’s been stressful. I’d really like to take some time off of work to tend to things but can’t afford to.

Elise and I had a very romantic Valentine’s Day. It consisted of me dropping Elise off at Michelle’s to have a girls’ night out with the girls on Friday night. After a trip to Home Depot and Bed, Bath & Beyond on Saturday, I spent most of the day with John, moving him out of their rental house and into their new house. Elise and I had a beautiful 11:30 p.m. dinner at Jack in the Box. Elise chose the Pannido. I opted for the Sourdough Jack.

We had decided a month ago that our Valentine’s Day present to one another would be a TV armoire. We went to Furniture in the Raw and bought an armoire… and a hideaway bar. Luckily we caught the last day of a 50% sale. It probably would have been cheaper to drive to Mexico to buy the furniture but I couldn’t do that because of my prior underground political involvement in that country. That and we were lucky enough to move into a house that came with a reverse osmosis water purifier and softener. If it so much as rained on us in Mexico we’d most likely have to strap a trough to our beltloops.

We’ve been really excited about having a house. So much that we’ve been spending too much money. Luckily my wife strategically lost any and all gift cards that we’d received for holidays in the past three years. Said gift cards reared their heads this past weekend and yours truly used them like there was no tomorrow. What’s sad is that I bought 100% practical items (everyman needs 100′ feet of ‘professional’ waterhoses and 90 gallons of WD40). I should really buy stock in Home Depot. I’m getting nervous – Spring is just around the corner. Once it warms up outside, I’ll probably start eyeing the “1/697 scale Niagra Falls For Your Backyard Do-it-Yourself kit”.

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