TKD, Dahebegebees

Elise and I went to the Unified Tae Kwon Do school at Lake Travis yesterday evening. We observed an adult class. This class consisted of a husband and wife, both green belts and a high school-aged boy practicing for his black belt. I was kind of hoping for a larger class so as to lend more diversity in sparring. I’m going to actually join the class tomorrow evening and see how I like it. I guess it’s better that it is a small class so I can reacclimatize myself in a smaller, more intimate setting.

After class, Elise and I came home and watched a video of some old tournaments and my black belt test. Needless to say, I’m excited.

After watching my black belt test, we went to Sam’s Boat to watch Dahebegebees. It’s been a loooooong time since we’ve seen them. They’re still a lot of fun to watch, even though their fan base is getting much larger. Not that that’s a bad thing. We used to go watch them at Lucy’s Retired Surfers bar on Monday evenings (when I worked at the country club, my only day off was Monday). I remember times when there were only a few heads in the bar. We’d lean on the second story railing, listen to Dahebegebees and watch Endless Summer. Twice. It was at one of these shows that Elise told me she loved me for the first time. I immediately responded by politely asking her to quit stalking me. I eventually had to call the police and contemplated changing my identity all together.

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