Matrix Reloaded, BBBS

Elise and I went to see The Matrix Reloaded last night. All I can say is Pythagorean theorem. I somehow made that choice before I decided to see the movie, and actually went to find out why I had made that choice. Or something like that. Make sure you listen for the word “aporogy” during the confrontation before Neo meets with the Oracle.

I heard back from BBBS on Wednesday. I meet with my Little for the first time next Wednesday. I’m supposed to meet him and his mother at their house, then my Little and I are supposed to go out on our first outing to get acquainted and to establish a schedule for when we are to meet. I’m looking forward to it!

We’re really looking forward to this weekend. We haven’t been home in almost a month. I want to pack in as much fun stuff as I can this Memorial Day weekend.

Oh yeah, congratulations to Bill & Andrea Karotkin on the birth of their first daughter, Amanda!

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