Cover the Uninsured Week

Building on the momentum generated by the February 2002 launch of the Covering the Uninsured educational and advertising campaign and Web site, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and some of the most influential organizations in the United States will cosponsor Cover the Uninsured Week. This unprecedented weeklong series of national and local activities will take place from Monday, March 10, through Sunday, March 16, 2003, in an effort to sensitize the public and opinion leaders to the plight of the more than 41 million Americans who lack health insurance.

Whereas, 41 million Americans do not have
health care coverage;

Whereas, eight out of 10 of the uninsured are
in working families that cannot afford health insurance
and are not eligible for public programs;

Whereas, uninsured Americans
live sicker and die younger because they are forced
to go without the health care they need;

Whereas, a slow economy, higher unemployment
and rising health costs mean that more Americans
are becoming uninsured in our community;

Therefore, we recognize the urgency of seeking
solutions to one of America’s greatest problems,
and hereby declare our support for
Cover the Uninsured Week
March 10-16, 2003.

Let’s Get America Covered.

Elise and I don’t have health insurance.

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