Mondays come too quickly. Today is 03/03/03
I was looking forward to a fruitful weekend. The weather kind of prevented that. We stayed in pretty much the whole time.
Elise and I went out with the folks I work with on Friday night for a couple drinks. We were celebrating a record number of closed deals made by our full time sales person. We had a couple drinks and talked shop. Elise and I left and went over to Central Market and raided the salad bar. We came home, ate salad and called it an early night.
Note to self: Do not eat a lot of Central Market’s Caesar salad dressing before going to bed. You will have unbearable garlic halitosis in the morning. |
I woke up around 7:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. I watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I got up and did my morning ritual. I was under the assumption that the weather was going to be nice. After showering, I walked out onto the balcony. Cold and drizzling. I sat in front of the computer all day. I messed up the website. I seem to have completely hosed the photo gallery.
We went bowling with Travis later that evening. Travis lied to us and told us he wasn’t a good bowler. He kicked our butts. I gave up on trying to actually knock pins down and started concentrating on my speed. One would think that a bowling ball travels pretty fast, right? I couldn’t quite get mine up to 20 mph. I did get 19.91. Inspiration to start working out.
I sat in front of the computer all day Sunday as well. I worked on a website for the Thirsty Scarecrow. I created a new one that I’m assuming is being ‘reviewed’ right now. I’m hoping to make a little extra cash on the side.
In other news, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but Elise has been doing some contract work for Wellness Works. The extra money helps out and it gives Elise something different to do.
We just got back from the grocery story. While there, I made note of the fact that I can’t remember the last time I cooked. Elise is in the kitchen right now, making dinner. We’re turning into the token American family. Husband work all day, come home with headache. Wife in kitchen, cook food. Husband trip over 1.5 cats who running underfoot. Husband grunt obscenities and scratch head.
The old clan from Vidbook have been speaking via e-mail. I think we’re all planning on getting together this weekend for the Zilker Kite Festival.
That’s news for now. Wife call – food ready.