Don’t want to write too long – it’s after hours at work and I’ve been itching to get home all day.
Elise drove in to Austin on Friday evening to pick me up. We got back to bustling Temple around 8:00 p.m. We stayed up until 3:00 a.m. packing boxes.
Elise and I both woke up at 7:00 so we could finish packing and so I could run some errands. Mom and Dad came up to Temple at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. We loaded up the goose-neck trailer and headed to Austin. We didn’t leave Temple until 3:30 or so.
Needless to say, you find out who your real friends are when it comes time to move! With the extra help we called upon, we saved ourselves a few extra hours of lugging stuff up the three flights of stairs to our new apartment.
We’re officially moved. We’re still kind of living out of boxes, but at least we’re finally back home!
My muscles are still aching. I’m going home now.