My parents came to visit this past weekend. They arrived on Friday shortly after I got home from work.
I made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. It was good.
We all stayed up pretty late. El and Mom stayed up later [as usual].
We woke up at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday. We all got ready and headed to Ft. Worth to have lunch with my sister, Lisa and her boyfriend, Ron.
The visit was short and sweet. Lisa was in town from San Diego for her fifteen year reunion at TCU.
After lunch, El, Mom, Dad and yours truly headed back to bustling Temple. We stopped in West to buy kolaches.
We got back to Temple and went to Wal-Mart to buy food for dinner.
We took it easy for the rest of the day. El and I stayed up to watch the season premier of SNL. If the opener is any indication of the rest of the season, looks like we’re in for another ho-hum year of SNL.
On Sunday, El and I woke up late. Mom and Dad had already eaten breakfast.
Mom got on my computer and tried to install a Roxio update. My computer’s on the fritz now. I’ll fix it once I get the website back to normal.
Mom and Dad left around 2:30. Elise and I went to the mall to spend her gift certificate.
We spent well over two hours in Victoria’s Secret. I was there for so long, I figured out the secret…
I felt like such a pervert while in this store. While El was trying on undergarments, I was told that I could sit in the little pink chair next to the dressing room.
I sat in that little pink chair. Girls and women came in, browsing and purchasing. I sat there and tried to look every which way to keep from making any eye contact with anyone. The only other things that I could look at where women’s bras and panties. It was quite the test for your Sunday afternoon unshaven, perverted looking narrator.
We made out with a couple pairs of skivvies and a brassiere.
That was the extent of our weekend.