Aye aye aye… mis ojos rojos. I stayed up until 1:30 this a.m. playing Twisted Metal Black and SSX Tricky. Usually I go to bed around 11 p.m…. I DID NOT want to get out of bed this morning.
Elise scooped me up around six and we went to HEB to return some waffle syrup (got a whopping $1.15 back) and then we were off to Walmart to get the PS2. I was like me (aka a kid) in a candy store. We picked up the Playstation and TMB and made it home just in time for Elise to watch Friends. I took my time running the wires behind the entertainment center and pretended like I was reading the owner’s manual – just waiting for 7:30 (Friends over).
7:30 p.m. – 1:30 a.m. – mostly SSX Tricky. Six hours of thumb numbing gaming. I’m to the point where I can almost say I think I know what I’m doing, but still suck. Badly. Must practice. Must spend many, many more hours in front of TV. Good ol’ John was supposed to send me a memory card so I could save games and character profiles… guess I’ll have to swing by Walmart on the way home from work.
Elise is leaving for Minnesota today to spend the long weekend with friends. I will be reclusive all weekend and engaged in virtual snowboarding and vehicular mayhem. I am going to peel my butt off the couch for most of Saturday to attend the 24th annual Temple Party Drags – no, not cross-dressers on scooters. Super-charged, nitrous-boosted Harley Davidsons. I think I’ll take the 8mm Hitachicam to film some of the action. Maybe I’ll produce a good video and send it to whoever organizes this event and the website and get a little publicity.
In other news… I lied, I didn’t play the PS2 for six straight hours. I flipped the channel over to MTV last night to catch part of the Video Music Awards for five minutes or so. Stupid. I must be getting old. The Hives?… I mean, come on! I did make note that I’m really glad that there wasn’t an abundance of ‘rock’ bands accompanied by scratchin’ DJs. Why does MTV have VMAs? MTV doesn’t play videos. Shouldn’t they have The Real World Awards? Or the I’m a White Gangsta Wannabe High School Student – Watch Me Grope this 17-year-old Girl’s Leg in the Club and Go Home and Cry About It Awards? Eminem did win a few awards from what I gathered on the news. I did see him accept one of his awards – he was bood. Good. Now he’ll be more pissed off next year, make an even better album and make it a point to offend even more.