This is from Mindi’s signature file on Czech please!

This is from Mindi’s signature file on

“If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve its full potential, that word would be meetings.”

Meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings. Working for a big company involves a lot of meetings. I’m not complaining or saying anything negative about where I work, I’m just making an observation. ;) But I don’t think I’ve ever been to as many meetings in my entire life. I remember back in high school, I was on every committee and in every club that I could join… I was extracurricular, extra busy boy and we didn’t have that many meetings. I think I was even in the Spanish Club, and I didn’t even take Spanish.

Speaking of foreign languages… ever see those bumper stickers that say “Jak Se Mas?” I always thought it was Spanish. Nope, it’s Czech. Means: “How are you?” I figure I’m going to start learning the basics in the Czech language seeing how I carry a Czech name.

Oh yeah – and thank you all for your concerns regarding my physical health. I’m feeling much better now. I don’t know what was going on with me. See – told you, if I just waited a day or so, I wouldn’t have to go to the doctor. Doctors are for wimps (unless, of course, you have Fibromyalgia) .

El just got back from her weekly meeting. She lost more weight. She’s lost 20 lbs total! Congrats babe, I’m proud of you!

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