Motorcycles, Jesse James, work clothes, Oh my!

“Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Make a fire-breathing, turf-rocket lawn mower that can trim grass at 60 mph … from a 1990 Ford Mustang convertible. Oh, and in only seven days. With no more than $3,000.”

Hell yeah!… Give me a quart of 10W-30 and a bendy straw – this is what I call reality TV – the cure for summertime reruns. The Discovery Channel has a new show called Monster Garage and after watching it once, I’m already hooked. Last night, Jesse James and his grease monkey gang turned a 1999 VW Bug sedan into a swamp buggy. They didn’t just do it the ol’ Junkyard Wars way – they created a customized amphibious vehicle complete with special order rims, custom paint, and a hydrolic retractable rear engine with an aircraft propeller. I’m seriously thinking about taking some classes to learn how to weld and fabricate!

Said show ran for an hour and was over at midnight. As I was about to turn off the TV, another episode came on. This time, they were to build a lawn mower out of the 5.0 Mustang. I had to go to bed though, I was too tired – and I figured it will be on again later this week.

Monster Garage came on after Motorcycle Mania 2 – I’ve already seen this show, but couldn’t help but watch it again. Jesse James owns West Coast Choppers and is definately an artist. His custom built bikes start at $60,000.

So anyway – I hate watching stuff like that right before bed. I couldn’t fall asleep for another hour… I just tossed and turned in bed thinking about motorcycles. I’m an addict. I wish I had a bigger bike so El and I could go to Sturgis in August – just don’t think the trusty Shadow would make it. Well, it’d probably make it, but it would be uncomfortable as hell. One day we’ll make it there… El already said she wanted to go.

In other news… If memory serves me correctly, tomorrow marks the 2 year anniversary of your humble narrator entering the real world. I think I started working for on June 26, 2000. What a dream-come-true that was (literally). I remember telling El: “I’m going to have a job lined up before I graduate from college with a small dot com and I’m going to wear shorts and flip flops to work”. Well, Elise actually found the job for me in the Austin American-Statesman classifieds before I graduated, but I took care of the shorts and flip flop part.

Soon after being interviewed, I was offered the job. I reported to work on my first day dressed in ‘business-casual’. Kirk told me that I could wear: “whatever the hell you want!” So, then next day, I dawned my desired business attire. Man, that was nice.

Anyway, I was laughing at myself this morning as I was putting on my ‘business-casual’ work clothes. I guess it beats wearing a tuxedo for 17 hours a day. I’m really tempted to wear my underwear on the outside of my pants. Nobody would notice. The people that I encounter to and from my cubicle each day I could count on one hand. And then I just go to my cubicle. I don’t really see anyone unless I have a meeting. On those days I could wear ‘nicer’ clothes – but I just don’t see the point of wearing nice clothes when nobody is going to appreciate it other than the action figures on my desk. I don’t wear nice clothes when I’m in my apartment watching TV, cooking or on the computer. Why should I pay to have my shirts and pants laundered and pressed when nobody is going to appreciate that effort?

People might swing by my cubicle to chat, see me with my plaid undies over my slacks and laugh and say: “Oh, that’s just Josh”. If I were in sales and had to deal with people, I would understand ‘dressing the part’. I just don’t have a part that necessitates being in a monkey suit all day. When I own my own business (assuming it doesn’t overly involve customer service), I’m going to have “Spandex, legwarmers, tank top and fedora Fridays”. On the other days, you can wear whatever the hell you want. And you wouldn’t have to participate in the fun Friday activities… hell, don’t even come in if you don’t want – so long as you got your work done.

I wonder what the people of Bell County would think if they saw a guy riding a motorcycle to work at 7:45 in the morning with his boxer shorts on the outside of his trousers….

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