On Sunday I kept thinking to myself: “You know, I should just call in and take Monday off.” I kept going back and forth with myself. Then I finally thought: “Nah, because everyone else will be at work on Monday and I’ll be the only one taking off.”
Guess what?… The office was dead today. Most everyone took the day off. Oh well.
El and I both couldn’t fall asleep last night. We went to Subway for dinner and both had Cokes. Caffeine doesn’t usually have that effect on me. I don’t know what time I finally fell asleep, but I was dragging ass all day.
I made tunafish sandwiches for dinner. El makes them better than me. I try to make them the way my Mom used to make them, but they never turn out the same – you know how it goes.
Anyway – I thought this weekend would be a stay-at-home-do-nothing weekend. But the Republic of Texas Rally & Races is being held in Austin this weekend (gigantic motorcycle rally). We’ve experienced this phenomenon for the past 3 years. Guess we’ll have to see if we’re up to it again. I guess we could just go on Friday night. If you want to see some really great motorcycles, just go down to 6th street anytime this upcoming weekend – and bring a camera!