Donnie Darko, Alamo Drafthouse, Trooper was broken into

Our weekend went pretty well. On Friday evening, we just took it easy at home. Our friend Victor came over and we just watched the tube and had pizza.

On Saturday, I woke up early and put some stuff on eBay. Victor came and scooped me up and we went over to our friend Tommy’s house to watch boxing on HBO On Demand. Tommy grabbed this time of economic hardship by the throat and landed a job as a financial analyst in the marketing department of Time Warner. One of Tommy’s perks is getting free digital cable and Roadrunner (broadband internet connection).

That night, El and I went to see Donnie Darko. Um… Um… Um… We both liked the movie a lot, but I know I’m going to have to watch it a couple more times. It’s been almost 24 hours since we left the theatre and I’m still trying to figure it out. They had a special screening of Donnie Darko at the Alamo Drafthouse. Said movie won some awards at the Sundance Film Festival in 2001 and is scheduled to be released on video next month.

So, we came home and went to bed. This afternoon, El kissed me as she was leaving to go to work, 2 minutes later, she comes storming back in screaming that her truck was broken into.

Sometime early this morning, someone broke the right rear passenger window (not the actual window, but that small ‘triangular’ window), reached in, unlocked and opened the door. The culprits broke her CD player. That’s all they did. So, we’re pretty upset about that. El still had to go to work, so I had to wait for the Crime Scene Investigation unit to come and take fingerprints. Then I spent 2 hours cleaning shattered glass out of the inside of the truck.

Now we’re going to have to scrape up whatever we can to get the glass replaced… uh!! It never seems to end. We’re going to have to wait a while before we can replace her CD player too. I guess El can practice on her singing while driving in the meantime!

El was pretty upset about having to move because of my new job, but I think she’s becoming more okay with the notion of leaving this place! Speaking of apartment dwelling, be sure to check out if you live in an apartment. There, you can rate the apartments in which you’ve lived, and read others’ comments from various apartments nationwide. Here’s one of my reviews of our current complex.

Having said all that, I think I’m going to go catch some basketball on the old tele and just take it easy. I have to get up and haul on out to Temple tomorrow to take my physical for Scott & White.

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