Today I started (more like restarted) teaching myself php and mysql. I’m thinking about dumping into a database. Hmmmmm… I have to figure out why my home network isn’t working (again). El’s computer can see my computer, but her computer can’t get online. Man, it never ends.
Tomorrow El and I are going to Ft. Worth to visit John & Christine. I’m sure Johnny and I will be geeking out in front of a computer or the PS2. We used to be cool!
I talked to John a few times on the phone today – he’s helping me figure out all this database-driven website stuff. He told me he had to go so he could clean house. They’re cleaning house for us! I think that’s funny. They should see our place!
Back in high school, John and I would hang out on his mom’s porch. We’d sit there for hours and hours and hours, just talking about life. I really miss those days.