Job is starting to suck, fire marshal

Today went by really quickly, much to my surprise. Elise is in Austin (again) cleaning the old apartment. I really appreciate her doing that for us. I think I’ll take her on a date this weekend.

My friend and coworker, Luciana has been going through the same thing as me. Her and her husband moved to Killeen from Los Angeles because he (Will) is in the Army. He was sent to Colorado earlier this month for training and support. So she’s been spouseless for a month. She told me that he got back today. She said they were going to go do something special tonight.

I had a really good conversation with my boss today. I just needed to let off some steam and talk to someone. My boss is a really cool woman – it’s good to have someone like that in a professional environment – someone you can trust and confide in.

I’ve been playing this putt-putt game… a good time killer. Thank you everybody for sending me your scores – yes, I know, I stink. I think Victor, Jenni, and El can back me on that! Last summer, us four would go play putt putt and consume raspas on Sunday afternoons. My friend Victor is too funny. Most of the time, he would treat. He would write an $8 check for all of us to play putt putt. Then, when we were done, he would always want another raspa, so he would write a $1 check for a stupid sno-cone!

I went through Fire Marshal training today. Yes, your humble narrator is the official fire marshal for the Scott & White Marcom department. I have to regularly check our area and observe a ton of state and national regulations. That will probably take a good chunk out of my day tomorrow. I have to arrange fire drills, inspect alarms and fire extinguishers and report to our safety department. The lady who trained me is also a skydiving instructor. She gave me a discount on lessons…. hmmmm. That could make for a good streaming video, eh?

Riley is definitely at home now – he’s back to his normal ways of sitting on my lap and licking my face while I’m at the computer. Our cat is weird. I think he takes after Elise. He eats Jell-O.

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