
Mom and Dad called me tonight – It’s good to hear from them every once in a while and get a voice of reason. Sometimes I start thinking and get some preconceived notion in my head, then my parents call and put things into perspective. It’s those little, simple words of advice that make things seem not-so-bad. I’m lucky to have the parents that I have. I owe them a lot too. Between my wife and my parents, I’ll be in debt for the rest of my life!

I remember one time, when I was really little, I was asking my dad about his job. I think it was one of those days when I went to work with him. I don’t remember exactly how everything transpired, but I just remember my dad saying to me: “Josh, I just want you to do better than me.” Now that I think about that, I don’t know if that’s possible. My parents raised me to be a good person. I try my hardest to do the best that I can. I really hope I can live up to their expectations – more importantly, my own. I never did without as a child… but I still remember my dad saying what he did to me, and that pushes me that much harder… to provide for myself and my wife. I would love to be my dad. He’s my all-time hero.

Well, the countdown is pretty much up. El is coming up here tomorrow. She’s hauling a truckload in. I’m going to ride back to Austin with her tomorrow night and help pack. We have the movers coming in early Saturday morning. After the week that I’ve had, I’m really not looking forward to moving.

At least I’ll have El up here with me now. That will make life nicer for me. It’s kind of weird… I’ve gotten used to being up here alone – I have everything setup my way – I’ve gotten used to having no furniture, sleeping 1″ from the floor and eating Romen noodles. It’s going to be weird getting back to ‘normal’ life.

Well, it’s getting late… I have big day ahead of me tomorrow. I have to prepare for a ‘Retreat’ on Monday. Then I have to be prepped for moving this weekend. I’ll need an immediate weekend after this weekend! A good, long, mind clearing motorcycle ride is what I’ll need.

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