No firewood, I have nothing, recordings

Once again – no real reason for not having written in the past 4 days. I guess I’ve been kind of busy straightening miscellaneous stuff out.

Sunday was fun. El was here – we went to Wal Mart to return a phone. We meant to buy some firewood because we had a mean cold front blow through. We left Wal Mart, got home and realized we forgot the firewood. We drove back to Wal Mart to find out they didn’t sell firewood.

We drove up the street to a convenience store. No firewood. Drove to another convenience store. No firewood. Then we decided we would buy some starter logs. We bought 3 of them. I just think that’s hilarious. I think it epitomizes our current life together – trying desperately to survive. All we have is each other… and 2 lawn chairs, a small TV that gets 3 snowy local stations and some starter logs for a fire.

After buying the starter logs, we did actually find one store that had a little bit of firewood left, so we bought it and used it.

And to top that off, I cooked a chili rabbit stew for dinner that night – talk about bohemian!

While at Wal Mart, I bought a little Labtec computer microphone. After the rabbit dinner, El had some wine, I had a couple beers and we setup the microphone and recording software. We made asses of ourselves as we recorded my guitar playing and El’s singing.

I’m using my old answering machine from my old (pre-Elise) apartment. It still has some messages on it from almost 2 years ago.

I’m off to Austin tomorrow night! Sure wish I had that mp3 player to keep me occupied during the 70 mile haul.

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